In the notable case of Goodman v Walker [2024] EWFC 212, the Family Court navigated the complex financial and personal dynamics following the separation of Lauryn Goodman and Kyle Walker, a Premier League footballer. This case offers rich insights into how financial remedies are structured in high-profile separations, particularly under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989. Here, we delve into the judgment, its outcomes, and key points of interest.

Case Background

Parties Involved:

  • Applicant: Ms. Lauryn Goodman, a single mother with modest earnings.
  • Respondent: Mr. Kyle Walker, a professional footballer for Manchester City and the England national team.


  • Kairo (born April 17, 2020)
  • Kinara (born June 28, 2023)

Ms. Goodman sought financial remedies for their second child, Kinara, in addition to the existing provisions for Kairo.

Key Findings and Judgment

  1. Financial Responsibilities and Support

Mr. Walker’s substantial income and public profile necessitated a careful consideration of financial support to ensure the welfare of both children. The court’s judgment mandated:

  • Housing Provisions: A property in a secure and appropriate location for Ms. Goodman and her children, with a more generous housing budget reflecting the family’s needs and public interest considerations.
  • Financial Maintenance: Ongoing financial support, including contributions towards the children’s savings and additional expenses related to their upbringing.
  1. Legal Costs

The case incurred significant legal costs:

  • Ms. Goodman’s Costs: £259,298
  • Mr. Walker’s Costs: £171,440

Most of Ms. Goodman’s legal costs were covered by Mr. Walker, reflecting the disparity in their financial positions and ensuring she had adequate representation.

  1. Public and Media Interest

Mr. Walker’s attempts to keep his paternity of Kinara confidential led to additional financial provisions, emphasising the court’s role in considering the broader implications of public interest and media coverage.

Points of Interest

  1. High-Profile Litigation Dynamics

The case underscores the unique challenges in high-profile financial remedy proceedings. The involvement of a celebrity figure like Mr. Walker added layers of complexity, including managing public perception and media scrutiny.

  1. Balancing Fairness and Conduct

The court balanced the need for fairness in financial support with the conduct of both parties. Mr. Walker’s initial secrecy regarding Kinara’s paternity and Ms. Goodman’s public statements influenced the court’s decisions, highlighting how behaviour during litigation can impact outcomes.

  1. Ensuring Children's Welfare

A central focus of the judgment was the welfare of the children, ensuring they have a stable and secure living environment. The court’s emphasis on adequate housing and financial support reflects a broader commitment to the best interests of the children involved.

  1. Extensive Legal Costs

The significant legal costs highlight the contentious nature of the proceedings and the strategic legal battles often seen in high-profile cases. Ensuring equitable access to legal representation was a key concern addressed by the court.


The Goodman v Walker judgment provides a comprehensive look at how the Family Court handles financial remedy applications involving high-profile individuals. The decision to provide a secure and comfortable home for Ms. Goodman and her children, alongside substantial financial support, illustrates the court’s holistic approach to child welfare.

Furthermore, the case serves as a reminder of the potential financial and emotional costs of litigation. The extensive legal fees and strategic manoeuvres by both parties underscore the importance of seeking amicable resolutions where possible, particularly for the sake of the children involved.

In conclusion, Goodman v Walker [2024] EWFC 212 shows the interplay between financial obligations, public scrutiny, and personal conduct in family law. It highlights the Family Court’s commitment to ensuring fair outcomes, balancing the needs of the children with the financial realities and behaviour of the parents. It offers valuable lessons on the complexities and considerations in high-profile financial remedy proceedings.